Directed Studies: Distributed systems


  • Course  (Prof. Dr. Stefan Leue)
    Tuesday      15:15 - 16:45         Room PZ 901         Start: 22 October 2024
  • Tutorial  (Raffael Senn)
    Wednesday  10:00 - 11:30         Room PZ 901        Start: 30 October 2024



180 hours, of which 56 hours are spent in class and 124 hours of self-study.

Course content

The algorithmic and system-theoretic foundations of Distributed Systems underlie all modern computing systems, including cloud- and network-based systems. In this directed studies course we will discuss various sections from selected textbooks on distributed systems. Among others, these will touch on the following topic areas: foundations, networks, interprocess communication, distributed objects, time and global states, coordination, concurrency control, fault tolerance, web-based systems and security.

Teaching methods

This is a directed studies course. All students will prepare for a reading assignment, one student will present a summary of the reading assignment followed by a discussion of the material by all members of the course.

Learning objectives

The course will enable participants in assessing and configuring the use of distributed system infrastructures. Participants will also train to present complex technical material.

Course literature

G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, T. Kindberg, G. Blair. Distributed Systems: concepts and design. 5th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2012.

M. van Steen and A.S. Tanenbaum, Distributed Systems, 4th ed.,, 2023.

Record of academic assessments

Presentation of at least one reading assignment. Final examination (most likely oral).

Target group

Master-level and advanced Bachelor students.

Expected course achievment

Presentation of at least one reading assignment. Final examination (most likely oral).


ECTS-points: 6

Weekly teaching hours

SWS: 2 (+Tutorial: 2)